
What does a £ 80,000 water leak look like?

By Graham Mann, Water Audit Expert.

Most water losses or indeed water leaks are very seldom visible and water does not surface, however our water audit experts identified a site within a client portfolio which had a high water consumption issue. The consumption had not increased during the last 6 years according to the historical bill data built up and recorded during water bill validation. As the site had over 50 staff and had extensive car washing facilities there was no cause for concern, however when an experienced eye was cast over the water billing data it was obvious a site investigation was needed.

Water leak detection engineers were dispatched and an area next to a water stand pipe was marked down for excavation as reports came back of a loud leak noise which was heard below ground next to the stand pipe.

Underground water leak









It is hard to believe such a significant cost of £ 80,000 could be added to a water and waste water bill over time. The block paving was excavated revealing the plastic water pipe Medium Density Polyethelene (MDPE) and a leak on an elbow joint.

Water leak on supply pipe











The leak was a direct result of an incompetent contractor as the depth of the pipe was only 75mm, the minimum depth should be 900mm for frost prevention. What probably happened was a hard frost has frozen the joint and burst, the water leak according to the bills has been in existence for over 6 years costing the customer £80,000 in water losses and the site survey report and leak detection and leak repair costs.
