Case Study - LEEDS MET
Reduce Water Consumption
Saving: £70,000
Leakage Detection at Leeds Metropolitan University
Leeds Metropolitan University lose 52,560m3 of water per year, through leakage underground!
H2O Building Services was called in by the University’s Engineering Officer to find a solution to the ever increasing water charges. After brief discussions and analysing flow data, it was decided a site survey was required in order to identify the reason for the high water consumption.
Upon completion of the survey, H2O concluded that the main reason for the high base load was underground leakage at 6m3/hour.
Action Taken
Our leakage team carried out tracing of all underground water supplies, then by shutting down various sections of the site, pinpointed suspect areas, using leak noise correlation devices.
Two significant leaks were located and then excavated and repaired overnight. Further internal investigations were carried out which revealed a number of urinals flushing without controls, and an overflow from a large storage tank on the roof also required attendance. The University was supplied with H2O’s own ‘Sensaflo’ urinal flush controls and repairs were completed to the storage tank.
Total Savings Achieved: £70,000 per annum