The rise of water bills and how to make it stop.
The rise of water bills and how to make it stop, if you are one of the 138,000 business customers in Scotland you can switch your water supplier and save between 10% to 20%.
How? search Google, put in Water Audit Expert, they will go to market for you, so put your feet up and leave it to them. Oh yes, they wont charge you a penny the water supplier will pay them so you have no need to worry.
If you have sites in England? wait until April 2017 then you should be able to switch your water supplier.
Meanwhile there is more you can do – take a water audit, in order to identify any water company overcharges, there is a fair chance your company has been overcharged and the more properties you have the more likely their has been overcharging. Claim back the overcharges and use this money to fund other water cost reduction measures. Tap into expert help and you should be able to save at least 30% on your water billings going forwards.