
Holiday parks could save £millions nationally on their water bills.

A great many holiday and leisure park operators are simply unaware of the savings that can be achieved on their water bills and waste water bills.


Water audit experts H20 Building Services have worked alongside some of the biggest names in the holiday park industry, experts in reducing the water and waste water bills,  some of the numbers in terms of reductions in annual costs have been quite staggering.


Take for example Heatherview Leisure Park in Bishop Auckland, Co Durham. H20 Building Services provided an initial water audit report and analysed the water flow data and reported that £65,000 worth of water was being lost in underground water leaks, a staggering 6 million gallons.


Water leak detection experts were dispatched to the site and carried out a water leak detection  survey using equipment such as aqua phones, highly sensitive electronic equipment that can detect water leak noise in the underground water pipes.

The water leak detection engineers have years of expertise in locating water leaks underground which will add thousands of pounds to water bills, and a huge drain on financial resources.


See how much you could save for a copy of the water leak detection report contact H20 Building Services on 01924 387 873 or email [email protected]

