Do You Need Surface Water Surveys Conducted Onsite?
Surface water (rain or melt water runoff) can prove very problematic if it builds up in pools around your property – which is why we have systems such as roof and street gutters in place to divert it into sewage systems.
The government has just announced that it will be implementing some recommendations to reduce the risk of surface water flooding around England, building on its long-term plan to manage flood and coastal erosion risk, creating a more resilient nation.
More than three million properties around the country are apparently at risk of surface water flooding, which may well be the inspiration you need to review your own property and have surface water surveys carried out to see if any improvements can be made in this regard.
The Surface Water Management Action Plan has seen £2 million invested since April last year to enable local authorities to update flood risk maps, while £1.2 billion is also being invested on a supercomputer to improve climate and weather forecasting so that storms can be predicted more accurately.
“As our climate changes and we experience more frequent short bouts of heavy rainfall in future, it’s important that government, local authorities, other public bodies, private businesses and individuals can all work together effectively to tackle the threat of surface water flooding,” environment minister Rebecca Pow said.
Water companies will charge your business for the wastewater that flows through their out pipes, as well as for using their sewers, but thousands of organisations are actually routinely overcharged thanks to fixed and inflexible pricing structures.
You are liable for charges when surface water is collected and transported via wastewater pipes on your site, even if the final destination is a public sewer or water course. You will also be charged if runoff doesn’t enter wastewater pipes but ends up in a company-owned sewer.
But you can reduce your costs by accurately calculating surface water flow, which the team here at H2o Building Services can help with. Get in touch with us today to find out more.