
The water audit experts H20 Building Services review the latest OFWAT video – water retail one year on.

Having just watched the latest video presentation entitled “water industry experts reflect on the open water market” View here what do you think?


Water audit experts H20 Building Services are at the sharp end and taking much of the pain away from customers in attempting to resolve numerous water billing issues and grappling with the poor customer service.

Albeit the two main culprits in the water retail sector are Water Plus and Castle Water though the latter Castle Water are making improvement but a long way off where they need to be so say 100’s of farmers billed by Castle Water!


Not once during the video presentation did we hear any comments relating to poor customer service or what actions are planned to improve this, has there not been enough media content pushed out relating to this?


Or indeed no comments relating to the vast improvements needed in customer services with two senior staff of one of the largest water retailers refusing to address and indeed resolve our clients issues as per our previous post H20 Building Services reports yet more poor customer service by large water retailer 


Though we accept the water market data is not fit for purpose but what we cannot accept is a water retail firms refusing to engage official complaints at any time in writing.


Are they not regulated?


Of course they are but they choose not to comply with regulations and that is a fact!


OFWAT really need to get a grip, perhaps they should consult with water consultants such as ourselves and others in the water industry.

Lets have independent water consultants interviewed in the same way letting us have our say at the sharp end of the water retail market having to deal day to day with numerous billing queries and incorrect charges.

This would serve to give a more balanced view giving customers and water industry executives the true facts as opposed to the gloss given by the media, so come on OFWAT an open invitation to ask us and others what is really going on.


I guarantee one thing the true facts will be far more entertaining than this latest offering and will concentrate on the real things that matter to customers – service – correct billing – price.
