Large water users – what about an off grid water supply ?
Before considering an off grid water supply lets first explain where your water comes from?
Well we all take the water for granted without giving it a second thought, its human nature, turn on the tap and water flows, its a process we all take for granted.
All water comes from rainfall but where water companies take it from varies as water is collected from above and below ground.
Starting from above ground, water is abstracted from rivers and reservoirs all of which is treated and supplied to you the customer through a vast array of pipes and pumping stations at great cost.
Below ground water is again abstracted from natural underground water storage from aquifers which are a critical source of water supply for most water supply companies, probably supply most of the water we use today, so aquifers are a critical source of water supply.
How are aquifers supplied?
Water in aquifers comes from rain which soaks through the soil and gradually is absorbed by the porous underground rocks such as limestone and chalk.
Once this water is stored within these sponge like rocks water can move and collect in large underground spaces and be abstracted via alternative water supplies or boreholes to you and I.
The water is normally pumped into service reservoirs, treated then pumped through a large underground network of pipes to your premises and you the customer pay a set rate per cubic metres 220 gallons equals one cubic metre)
If your business or organisation a medium or large water user?
For example: – Hotel, Pool and Leisure Complex, Manufacturing and production facility, Hospital, University, College, Leisure Park, Caravan Park, Zoo or Prison?
If your site is using anything above 30,000 cubic meters of water per year you really need to investigate the potential for an off grid water supply. Which could potentially supply your site with an off grid water supply at a fraction of what you are paying to your existing water supplier.
What is an off grid water supply?
In simple terms coming off mains water and tapping into underground water sources, taking your water from aquifers the same places as the water companies take their water from and charge you regulated water rates.
Ask yourself this – Why pay more?
An off grid water supply is not for everyone as the water may not be available but asking the question costs you nothing.
An off grid water supply – the way to go for medium and high water users that will make a huge difference to your water bills.