
A water audit reveals 2 million gallons of water wasted due to a water leak.

Author: Graham Mann, Water Audit Expert.

If only contractors who installed new water supplies knew the true value of water they may be more diligent in their work, then some customers would not receive large water bills like in this case study.

We are seeing more and more cases whereby new plastic water supply pipes are installed by poor quality contractors, issues such as incorrect fittings used on joints, above ground isolation valves used below ground. In this case the water pipe was cut too short and the plastic inset which makes up a joint was put in the wrong way, the result a water leak of 2 million gallons which has leaked into the ground and the costs in water charges and water leak detection and repair costs total £47,769!

Chick here for the water leak detection and water leak repair report : – Exampleleakdetectionandrepairreport12.01.15


