May 2020 – The Sunniest Calendar Month On Record!
Now’s the time to think about the water footprint of your business operations, given that May was the sunniest calendar month the UK has seen since records began – and the driest May on record in England, with spring seeing an impressive 626 hours of bright sunshine. The previous high was 555 hours, set in 1948.
As lovely as the sunny weather has been – and certainly the tonic we’ve all needed, given what has been going on around the world during the pandemic – the fact that May saw only 9.6mm of rainfall in England (just 17 per cent of the average rainfall for the month) is cause for concern and something that everyone should be aware of.
Commenting on the lack of rainfall, Harvey Bradshaw, the Environment Agency’s executive director for environment and business, said falls have been seen in both river flows and reservoir levels but the majority of water suppliers around England do still have sufficient water reserves for this time of year.
Dr Mark McCarthy, head of the Met Office’s National Climate Information Centre, explained that exceeding the sunshine record for the UK by more than 70 hours is “truly exceptional” and these figures for the spring season would be “extremely unusual” if they were seen during summertime, adding that there are only three summers that would beat this spring for sunshine hours.
“The principal reason for the dry and sunny weather is the extended period of high pressure which has been centred over or close to the UK. This has suppressed the development of clouds and rainfall over the UK, while allowing plenty of sunshine to reach the surface,” he went on to say.
If you’re concerned about your water usage at the moment and are keen to do all you can to protect this precious resource of ours, what about focusing on sustainable water development for you and your business?
There’s a lot that can be achieved in this regard and there are numerous strategies you can employ that will make a very real and lasting difference – while saving you money at the same time.
Onsite solutions include water leak detection and repair, online flow monitoring through smart or automated meter reading, water recycling systems, alternative water supplies (such as abstraction of water from boreholes and rivers), and the supply and installation of water-saving devices like water-saving showers, taps and urinal flush controls.
Measures such as these will have positive ramifications for the environment but also for your back pocket, since your water bills will be lowered as a result.
Expert water consultants at H2o Building Services can help you secure refunds for water supply and wastewater overcharging, as well as show you how your business is using water, reduce water wastage and boost your green credentials. Get in touch to find out more.