Open Water Market aims to kick start the water retail market by simplifying the switching process.
Today the third party intermediary company Open Energy Market the UK’s leading platform for commercial energy and utility buyers and procurement field announced that they are launching a water retail contract procurement platform via Open Water Market the water division of Open Energy Market to help businesses switch water supplier and simplifying the whole process of switching water supplier.
The article was released in the Energyst today, the article goes on to say that if businesses switch water supplier savings of between 6 and 24 percent are achievable.
This is before the application of a water management strategy that could further reduce customers water, waste water and trade effluent bills by a further 20 to 30 percent, together with potential refunds due to historical water billing errors.
Since water market deregulation in the UK 1st April 2017 which allows businesses to switch water supplier to reduce their water bills and get a better price on water services, the take up has been slow and the system for companies to switch water supplier can be complex and time consuming.
It also can be a daunting task if the customer has little or no knowledge of the water industry.
The Open Water Market water retail procurement platform aims to simplify the whole process of switching water supplier and will ensure the customer achieves the very best value deal.