
National residential care home firm commission water audit experts H20 to reduce a £2.7million water bill

Water audit experts H20 Building Services are delighted to announce they have been commissioned by a national residential care home company to provide a comprehensive water bill validation and bureau service which incorporates a pro-active and focused historical water audit, procurement and demand management water strategy.


The very first action was to arrange for all water and waste water bills to be sent directly to the water bureau service team in order to build a water database to enable a historical water audit to be completed over the entire estate.


In addition, all sites in Scotland will be audited in order to examine the water contract that was completed via another consultancy firm who claims they were a “leading audit service provider”. After only an hour it was obvious the water supply contract that the previous consultant had negotiated fell well short of what was available in the market place, in fact £23,000 a year short on savings, £70,000 over the contract period.


The challenge was to re-negotiate a contract that was only a few months into the term. The contract was re-negotiated to include an additional concession to the water supplier which was to extend the water supply contract which for an additional saving over the term of £70,000 was a complete no brainer.


The water auditors on the bureau team are now combing through reams of historical water billing data to identify any water company overcharges along side the water management team who have already compiled a report for over 30 sites with potential water savings of £130,000 per annum. These properties will need to be surveyed to ascertain the reasons for the high water consumption and to report back with an action plan to reduce water use.


Meanwhile the bill validation team have identified another £4,300 per year overcharge and today received a water bill rebate for just under £13,000.


In a few months times the water retail team will be examining the best water strategy for when the English water retail market opens for business April 2017, enabling companies to switch water supplier in order to obtain more favourable water supply rates.


The water audit experts are well on target to achieve a 30% saving on the total water bill.

Water Company overcharge refund cheque - Water audit experts


