
Breaking news – Potential massive business customer water bill data breach as customer account details are put up for sale on internet.

Customer water bill data is confidential and protected by the data protection act right?


Its seems not !


Business customers water account information which includes the below it seems has been put up for sale on internet.


  • Water switching data
  • Supply point identification (SPID)
  • Banding area charges
  • RV and drainage information
  • Full company information
  • Contact details and emails


Business customers and public sector organisations are likely to be up in arms over the sensitive information being openly touted over the internet.


As water audit experts account managers have to gain written permission when acting as representatives of the customer in order to access water billing data or making claims against water companies for repayment of water company overcharges. A letter of authority to act (LOA) is issued to the water company giving us the acting water consultancy permission to act on behalf of the customer, which is of course right and proper, also a statutory legal requirement that the water company protects customers data.


The regulator OFWAT are now investigating this potential water billing data breach – more follows ………….
