
A water bill validation process identifies a £3,000 water leak.

With water and waste water costs increasing annually and underground water pipes deteriorating year on year the risk of water leaks increase. Especially if your infrastructure is galvanised steel, lead or indeed black plastic pipe.

On balance many water leaks start slowly and over time, the water bill increases more often than not and increases go un-noticed.

It is therefore wise to have your water bills monitored on a regular basis, pro-active water bill validation will ensure peace of mind going forwards, but will also more than likely identify immediate water bill savings opportunities in the first instance.


In this case study a section of the underground water pipe was past its best and was leaking causing water costs to steadily increase.


You many note the condition inside the old water supply, the amount of rust and general debris inside which transfers into the drinking water.


Click here for the water leak repair report CarSalesNewsStoryRepairReport
