How to save water and reduce water bills – By identifying water leaks and water leak detection.
Author: Graham Mann, Water Audit Expert.
Water bills are receiving more attention with businesses seeking to reduce costs and comply with environmental and carbon legislation. Obviously if you save water, water bills will reduce right? Seems obvious enough, but on large sites it is not as simple as that, for instance a leisure park with literally thousands of underground water fittings.
In this featured case study the client accepted our advice and we had a water data logger installed to the incoming water meter in order to give the water bureau team a visual water flow pattern overtime. A water audit report was generated indicating a potential water leak running at 6 cubic metres per hour 52,560 cubic metres per year, that is sufficient water loss through water leak to supply over 350 homes with water for a year or enough water to fill 1,642 standard sized oil tankers end to end.
In this instance no sewerage charges are levied, if this were so it would cost the business £136,656 per year, as it stands the bill is for water only at a cost of £73,000 per year. This is still a significant cost and rising as water leaks get worse and do not repair themselves. The water data logging graph produced below gives a visual snapshot of the water flow whilst the site is inactive between 12am and 5am known in the water industry as the night line. In the light of the high water consumption the water bureau team at H20 Building Services recommended water leak detection is carried out across the whole site to identify each water leak and on completion put together a water leak report.
The water flow logging graph clearly shows before water leak detection and after water leak detection and repair Phase 1 which has reduced water leakage by 50% saving £36,500 per year. ExamplePrePostRepairDataloggingSnapshots
Water leak detection investigation – survey report.
In this document ExampleWaterLeakDetectionSurveyReport20 05 15 we clearly show the exact location of each water leak giving photos and location for repair, amazing to think just a few water leaks like these have cost the business over £70,000 during the last few years, an unseen drain on financial resources and a waste of a valuable resource.
Phase 2 water leak detection will commence to locate further water leaks to drive the water consumption down still further.