
Breaking News! A water retail company now increases advance payments of water bills from 5 to 6 months giving cause for concern

Water deregulation allows businesses to switch water supplier if clients are dissatisfied with their existing water retailer and just today water consultants H20 Building Services report they anticipate that a great many businesses and organisation will want to move from Castle Water – Why?


Because this is the first water retail company to demand payment of water bills on estimated consumption 6 months in advance.


Written notification of the changes in the water billing frequency was received today and stated they are billing on a 6 month billing cycle. The water retailer was contacted by telephone to confirm that this was in fact true and that water bills were being sent out to all customers in the Thames Water area and as from January 2018 water bills are now 6 months in advance.


Water consultants H20 Building Services informed clients of these changes.


There must now be some concern throughout the deregulated water market as to Castle Waters finances as according to the one credit agency Creditserve rates Caste Water at Zero.


Because of these demands for 6 months up front payments H20 received a request from clients to change water supplier quoting “Our company does not and will not pay 6 months in advance for utilities – find us another supplier”


With customers now able to vote with their feet and change to another water provider water consultants at H20 Building Services predict that many customers will leave Castle Water.

This will present a huge problem to the water retailer as one of the most significant risk to their business is loss of customers revenue.


If your business is with Castle Water and you do not wish to pay your water bills 6 months in advance then you can switched water supplier.


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