
Water deregulation is upon us before you consider switching water supplier to the big boys read this update.

Water deregulation is nearly upon us, date in the diary April 2017 but before you consider switching water supplier for a much talked about 0.5% to 1.5% discount (No I am not kidding). You may recall my posts relating to switching water supplier to an alternative water supplier and go “off grid”, if you missed it please go here


Our firm has been promoting the “off grid” idea for a couple of months and during this time we have received negative feedback but mostly very positive feedback which I really do need to share with you.


With water deregulation of the water industry offering very little in terms of reduced water charges estimated on average 0.5% to 1.5% The Alternative Water Company was launched. In short they seek to tap into exactly the same water resources as the regulated water companies do and in doing so will supply the same if not better high quality water direct from natural water sources. So  customers are not being charged for the huge overheads of the big boys such as transportation charges, distribution and other charges associated with a water company providing water through large water networks.

So water supply charges through an alternative water supply makes far more sense from a cost and environmental point of view.


Since the launch and promotion of the innovative alternative water supply service we have completed feasibility site surveys and reports on 66 sites, the present retail value (costs of the existing water supplies via the water companies) is a staggering £12 million and of these sites 60% qualify subject to contract which will take out £7 million worth of water supply contracts out of the existing regulated water retail market, already the take up and results have exceeded our expectations.


If you really want to make a huge difference to your water costs by leaving the water deregulated retail market and be supplied water in a more environmental way and make a contribution to reducing the water leakage in your existing water supplier delivery network by no longer being supplied by them then join us, go “off grid”  you will be glad you did.


“Value water more” 
