
Does Your Business Have a Water Efficiency Strategy?

In tough financial times, it’s critical to find savings in your business wherever possible. Any potential savings you might find can be the difference between your company experiencing a profit instead of a loss in the upcoming business quarter. Even if business is going great, why not try to still save some money? There’s no need to leave extra money on the table when it’s easy to recover.In either case, a water efficiency strategy is an excellent way to reduce your business expenses and save money. As long as you work with a trusted and experienced water expert, it nearly always makes sense to have a consultant examine your current water strategy. Your savings will almost always be more than the cost of their services, particularly when you look at the ongoing benefits it will provide over several years.


What Can You Do to Reduce Water Charges?

There are a number of ways to reduce your business’ water charges. The overall concept you will implement is referred to as a water efficiency strategy, but there can be many individual components. Here are a few items that may be included in your overall water efficiency plan:


Water bill audits – A preliminary audit of your past water bills is usually the first step in identifying areas where you can save money on water. A water audit expert can assist in determining errors and request any refunds due to you from your water company, as well as reduce ongoing charges in the future.


Assessment of current water usage – Once a preliminary bill audit has been completed, the next recommended step is an on-site survey. An expert can visit your location and identify any inefficiencies and waste in your current processes when it comes to water usage.


Water leak repairs – A professional consultant can help to quickly detect and fix any suspected water leaks to save your business money. It is important to find and rectify any leaks right away, as leakage can quickly result in thousands of pounds in unnecessary charges for a large business.


Reuse or process existing water – There are a number of opportunities for businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and water usage, while also saving the company money in the process. Using a filtration system is one way to lessen the amount of waste water being produced by your business. By pre-cleaning your water before it leaves your premises, you can take advantage of lower wastewater rates from your water company.


Rainwater harvesting is another area for innovation. By using a commercial rainwater harvesting system, you can reduce your dependence on your water supplier for some of your water needs, thereby reducing your bill in the process. Rainwater harvesting can also reduce your surface drainage costs by allowing you to make use of the water rather than just allowing it to drain off your property.


Find the Right Strategy for Your Business

Expert advice and consultancy are essential when formulating a water efficiency strategy for your company. Without the knowledge and experience of someone in the industry, you may still be unaware of the potential for significant additional savings. That’s why you should get in touch with H2O Building Services. Our expert team is happy to help you find the right strategy to minimise your water costs.




