
Water bills audited using online water flow data prove potential £8,000 water leak

The value of on line water flow data cannot be over emphasized if you want to maximise reductions on water bills.


A preliminary water audit will reveal potential water savings on bills but to accurately quantify and produce a visual water flow profile for client presentation is an integral start point in any water management strategy.


In this instance a property investment firm recently acquired a sizable industrial estate and requested an initial water bill audit. Although it was difficult to arrive at an accurate water saving number it was obvious the water bills were high considering the facilities on site.


Copy bills were supplied and the initial recommendation was to install an online water flow data logging device to the main incoming water meter, then when completed the water flow data was downloaded to produce a visual water flow profile.

Matching this data to the water bills 30% of the water bill some £8,300 a year appeared to be water leakage.


The recommendation is that a water leak detection survey is actioned to identify the reason for the £8,300 a year water loss and draft a written report with recommendations and rectifications costs.


To view the water leak alert report click here: – propertyinvestments-commercialestateleakalert

