6 Shocking things about water leaks.
A bit over the top? maybe but if your company is paying the price of water leaks on your water supply pipes then, may be not.
* Water leak are very often not visible and well disguised within water bills.
* Water leaks go unnoticed for months even years.
* Water leaks are a continual invisible drain on the finances of any business.
* Water leaks are sometimes hard to find.
* Water leaks happen all year round not just during the winter months.
* Water leaks generate huge profits for water companies.
Why is this?
Because the waste water charges are based on water input through the water meter, for example if your annual water consumption per years is 20,000 cubic metres and your leak is 30% which is 6,000 cubic metres per year at a cost of £12,000 per year. As this water is leaking into the ground the water company are receiving the extra money from you every year for nothing!
Customers water leaks generate huge profits for water companies, click the link for more here