
Water management consultants top tip – Water bills “fix before you switch”

That’s right, to avoid billing errors, incorrect charging and water company overcharges water management consultants H20 Building Services advise fix before you switch.


If your business switches water supplier without first ensuring the charges are levied correctly by the water company your business will not receive correct water bills from the new appointed water retail company and it could be a costly mistake.


Your new water retail company will receive a water bill from the wholesale water company which should be settled very soon  after receipt, then your appointed water retailer sends you a water bill.

If your previous water and waste water charges are not aligned with the wholesale water data chances are the bills you receive will be incorrect.

The water retailer will be under pressure to settle the wholesale bill and your business will then dispute the charges and it will be downhill all the way.


Incorrect billing is a big issues in the water industry and it is not improving, mistakes cost money and drive a wedge between the water retailer and the customer.


Remember “Fix before you Switch”


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Water management consultants - "Fix before you switch"
