Water management is essential to implementing ways of saving water as global water scarcity rumbles on.
Urban populations are expanding at alarming unsustainable rates, over 2.5 billion people do not have access to basic levels of fresh drinking water for at least 1 month of the year.
Global water scarcity affects us all if not directly now but in the not too distant future.
Water management should be implemented, ways of saving water must be found as water scarcity and drought stories are issued through the media almost daily as some countries suffer more than others.
Here in the UK we enjoy water in abundance, but we still to a large extent take water for granted. Attitudes are changing that’s clear to see with many businesses implementing water cost reduction projects, which is either cost driven or environmental, whatever reason we are staring to make a difference.
With changes shortly to be implemented in the UK with the English water market opening up to competition the discounts from the water companies are a miserable 1% – 2% at least for the first 3 years. With the exception of the newly formed The Alternative Water Company Ltd, where large water users could enjoy discounts of 20% – 35% subject to specific criteria.
The emphasis is now on reducing water volumes in and waste volumes out, the water companies in time will see income levels drop as the water management industry picks up a pace. Where we in the UK move forward other countries are now having to endure serious water shortages.
Where are the worlds most water stressed cities? – click the link here to find out: –