
How to Get a Refund After Business Water Overcharging

Does It Seem Like Your Water Bill May Be Too High? You may have a nagging feeling that your business is paying too much for your water bill. However, as an individual without expertise in the industry, it can be difficult to determine for yourself. In that case, an experienced water audit expert can assist in identifying any business water overcharging and reclaim the maximum refund amount due to you.


It might seem unlikely that a major company in a regulated market could be overcharging customers, but the idea is not unsubstantiated. Between 2010 and 2015, British homes were overcharged by more than £1 billion according to regulator Ofwat, and the numbers for businesses are likely even higher.


That’s why you owe it to your firm to have your water charges audited and reclaim any refund due.


Being Aware of the Problem Is Just the Beginning. Now Take Action.

So what are the steps between realising there may be a problem and receiving a refund from your water provider? Water companies don’t simply volunteer to pay back refunds if they aren’t asked. It’s up to you to determine where any overbilling has occurred and provide substantial evidence before they will give your money back to you.


First, you need to identify a trustworthy team of water experts with a proven history of results. They will analyse your water bills to determine any discrepancies and dig deeper to find the root cause of any extraneous charges. If you’ve never had an expert perform an audit of your water bills before, there may be considerable issues to be addressed. Such errors are often difficult for a layperson to spot, but a consultant with experience in the field will have a clear idea what reasonable charges should be for a business of your size and industry.


Many such consultants will even apply for a full refund on behalf of your company for any incorrect charges they identify. This saves you the time and stress of dealing with the water company on your own. A good consultant can use their contacts with the various water companies to have any billing errors corrected quickly and efficiently, so you don’t have to spend hours on the phone with the water supplier yourself.


Trust the Water Experts

H2O Building Services are just the experts needed to identify and eliminate any business water overcharging from your firm’s bills. With over 30 years of direct experience in helping both small and large business clients reduce their water costs, you can be assured that your water audit is in good hands.


One such satisfied client is ASDA. Upon an audit of their water charges, H2O was able to identify areas for bill reductions that have resulted in over £800,000 in refunds and savings for the company to date.


Whether your own business has multiple sites like ASDA or is based out of a single location, H2O can help identify and request any water overcharging that may be owed to you by your water company. Give us a call or send us an email today to [email protected]






