2025: The Year of Water Sustainability
2025 is without doubt the year of water sustainability.
There are nearly 15 million individuals or businesses following the hashtag #sustainability on LinkedIn.
If you went back 10 or 20 years it was nothing like that. The sustainability market is really taking off. Water sustainability and sustainability in general, is really what’s driving the business now and in the future.
I set up a business 30 years ago. It was called Water Management Systems UK and it was about saving water through urinal flush controls and flow restricting devices on taps and on showers.
I started my career in reducing consumption.
It’s not changed!
Think about smart meters and data loggers, we were fitting those 27 years ago. It’s only now that because of the environmental issues and the cost reduction and all the things that are driving these businesses that people are waking up to sustainability, water management and water efficiency.
It’s what I have always done but what we’ve managed to do is learn so much about the market and about how we can do things for customers.
Now we’re putting all that knowledge and expertise to good use by advising and helping customers achieve their targets. It’s an absolute joy. I can’t believe it.
Even just a few years ago there was an emphasis on switching water supplier just to get a better deal, but really the emphasis has to be on the journey.
It’s about starting with getting the procurement right, getting the deal right, getting the consumption right, and all your bills into one place under one contract.
That then actually reduces your payment and your administration costs within a business. Because you’re paying one bill, it’s all on one schedule.
We download this data, we analyse the data, make sure the charges are correct, and it’s passed for payment through to the customer. Once we’ve built up a history within a database, then we start focusing on the water management aspects of it.
It’s water in, wastewater out (and in the case of factories, it’s how much trade effluent they’re discharging into the environment and what we can do to improve that). You pay for what you use, and you pay for the content of the waste within the water when it’s discharged.
It’s just simple methods really.
Stop putting certain things down the drain and take them off site into a different container. Don’t necessarily chuck everything down the drain because the more you put down the drain, the higher your charges.
It’s simple, wastewater management education, if you like.
So it’s working with customers and customers working with us. But they’re engaging now because the buzz is water sustainability and climate change as well as environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting. This is now creating this buzz within our industry and they’re coming to us with a lot of knowledge because they don’t just say they want to do it, they’ve done a lot of research. Businesses are saying they need to get procurement right, bills right, data right.
We can help your business save money AND save water. We’ll work with you to meet those environmental, social and governance targets and along the way we’ll save you money.