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#10 The Water & Waste Water Billing Challenges In Today’s Water Retail Market | Call us on: 0845 658 0948
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Graham Mann introduces Nicky Mann discussing the issues and challenges in today’s Water Retail Market in particular Water & Waste Water Bills!
There are 1,000’s of none residential customers that are recieving incorrect water and waste water bills with many paying these bills and completely unaware there are incorrect involving many multiple £Millions
Nicky heads up finance and the Water Bill Validation part of H2o Building Sevices she is as we say at “The Coal Face” so who better to give insight into the challenges on a day to day basis and what you can do if you feel that your charges are incorrect or you have long standing unresolved water billing issues or indeed you just want to check whether there are any savings or refunds due to historical billing issues Nicky is definitely the person to call!
#Waterbillvalidation #Billvalidation #Wateraudit #Wateraudits #Water #Waterretailmarket #Openwatermarket #Theopenwatermarket #switchwatersupplier #waterretail #waterretailers #Podcastwithgrahammann #Nickymann