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#16 My Podcast With Graham Mann And My Guest Josh Gill CEO Of Water Retail Company Everflow | Call us on: 0845 658 0948
Email us: [email protected]
It’s my pleasure to chat with Josh Gill CEO of Everflow Group about the Water Retail Market,
the companies performance to date and his plans for the future and one of his latest Water Retail innovations is Water Audits for all his new and existing clients!
Just listen to the results of the first 100 water audits Everflow have completed the potential savings and refunds number is £?????
Hear what he say’s about our new innovative Water Retail venture
I have been invited to record the next Podcast With Graham Mann at his offices and maybe meet his team?
My thanks for Josh for taking time out of his busy schedule to join me on the Podcast I wish him and his team continued success in the future.
I am looking for many more guests to join me on my Podcast-Water Retailers-Suppliers of water efficiency and water saving products.
Water industry products such as water flow data loggers water meters water leak detection related products all things water and waste come on and I will chat and review your products and services.
If you would like to be a guest on my Podcast please Email [email protected]
#Podcastwithgrahammann #Waterretailmarket
#Everflow #Joshgill #Watersaving #Valuewatermore #Lovewater #Savingwater
#water #Wateraudits #Switchwatersupplier
#Watercompany #Waterconservation #Waterconsultant #Grahammann #H2obuildingservices