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#19 Water Consultant Graham Mann Of H2O Building Services Discusses Legionella Testing With Mark Dawson Of Hydrosense | Call us on: 0845 658 0948
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Legionella is naturally occurring and is widespread in ponds, rivers and other natural water systems. But when the bacterium enters water systems in the built environment, conditions, such as water temperature, can often favour and encourage rapid growth and can lead to explosive outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease (LD) and other related infections.
Legionnaires’ disease is a severe form of Pneumonia, which causes fatal complications to occur within the human lungs. Any water source producing aerosols should be considered at risk for transmission of Legionella bacteria, including cooling towers, spa and pools, fountains, showers, car wash installations, air conditioning units, misters, humidifiers and many others.
In recent years, there has been an increase in cases of Legionnaires’ disease worldwide, with reported incidences of Legionaries’ disease growing at an alarming rate. Between 2011 and 2015 cases of the infection had risen by 42% and Europe saw the largest number of cases ever reported – with an overall notification rate of 1.37 per 100,000 of the population and a mortality rate of 8.1%. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reports that in the US alone, cases of LD have grown by nearly four and a half times since 2000, so I feel it is important to raise the profile of Legionnaires’ disease as I visit many sites that clearly do not meet with water regulations which if not rectified could contribute to poor water hygiene and therefore waterborne contamination.
All to often water regulations compliance is poor with many companies oblivious to none compliance and therefore at high risk of infection the purpose of this podcast is to raise the profile of Legionella and the unique Breakthrough technology for rapid Legionella testing and detection.
Get accurate on-site results in 25 minutes!
Enjoy the podcast.
For more on the Legionella testing kits contact Mark Dawson @ Hydrosense [email protected] Tel UK +44(0)131 560 1340
If you need expert advice on water regulations compliance or require water regulations compliance surveys and reports Call my office 0845 658 0948.
If you have any specific subjects in the water waste water and trade effluent industry you would like me to feature if future live broadcasts Email me direct [email protected]
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