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#29 Podcast With Graham Mann Discussing Water Self Supply | Call us on: 0845 658 0948
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We discuss Switching Water Supplier in the Water Retail Market and a scheme called Water Self Supply where certain businesses and organisations can apply for a Self Supply licence and buy water & waste water services direct from the wholesaler and essentially supply your own business or organisation instead of being supplied through a Water Retail Company.
We discuss Switching Water Supplier also what is Water Self Supply how does it work?
Gina Clark tells us about her experiences and what prompted Nottingham City Council to apply for a Self Supply licence as opposed to just Switching Water Supplier a very interesting Podcast discussion covering nearly all aspects of Self Supply an absolute must if you are considering Self Supply. Gina’s first hand experiences are invaluable to those considering the same route
A cautionary note Water Self Supply is NOT for everyone so please take further water industry expert advice and commission a Water Self Supply feasibility study before proceeding.
Many thanks to Gina Clark and Nick Butt for their expert guidance and support and sharing their experiences during his podcast with graham mann.
#PodcastWithGrahamMann #SelfSupply #WaterSelfSupply #WaterRetailMarket #SwitchWaterSupplier #NottinghamCityCouncil #GinaClark #NickButt