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H2O Building Services Fortnightly Update 5.9 | Call us on: 0845 658 0948
Email us: [email protected]
I felt it would be really interesting to our viewers if I produced a series of Fortnightly updates where I update and report on some of the good work our teams of Water Auditors and Water Bill Validation teams produce here at H2O.
Some of the monetary savings and refund figures that I report can be quite staggering.
In terms of Water Bill incorrect charging identified that too is quite staggering we are now up too nearly £1 Million in 9 months!
In this report I will also be detailing results achieved on our Water Leak Detection and repair projects savings both in monetary value and water consumption value which in this period was over 25,000 Cubic Metres or £5 Million gallons enough water to sustain 166 families for 1 year leaking back into the ground!
I hope you enjoy the video report if you have any specific topics or questions for me to include in future video reports I would be delighted to include them.
You can catch me on 01924387873
Email [email protected]
Thank you for watching