
Most businesses are unaware of the savings and refunds achievable on water and waste water charges by undertaking a water audit by experts H²O.

Author:  Graham Mann, Water Audit Expert.

Over the last few months water experts at H²O Building Services have reported a quite staggering increase in market activity as businesses from High Street Retail chains, warehousing and distribution through to large manufacturing companies in food processing and textiles have enquired requesting information on reducing water and waste water charges.

On the food manufacturing front water and waste water bills were provided to H²O’s Water Audit department, requesting preliminary desktop water audits which essentially gives the customer an accurate idea of the potential savings, subject to further site examination, however in all cases the projected savings are conservative.

In manufacturing for example: –

A textile company in the Midlands spending £2m, the potential savings are £ 500,000 – £ 750,000 per year. H²O’s water auditors examined the effluent volumes, the components of the effluent and charges applied and taking into consideration the products manufactured on site it was noted by simply removing the solids from the effluent through a dissolved air flotation plant (DAF) and passing the treated effluent through a water recycling system. Water input would be reduced by over 70% reducing the water input costs and the effluent volumes substantially reduced upon completion, then further work will be needed to evaluate water usage in production and examine ways of using water more efficiently.

On this particular site there exists a disused borehole which in itself is a valuable asset to the company and potentially can be re-commission and thereby reduce the water used via the water company supplier and draw water from the borehole which would reduce the cost per cubic meter by at least 75%.

Another customer: –

A swimming pool and leisure customer of ours has a number of sites in Scotland and therefore the water auditors at H²O examined the rates per cubic meter charged by the existing water provider as in Scotland the water retail market has opened up enabling customers to switch water supplier. The water audit team identified a potential additional  savings of £ 100,000 over 3 years simply by tapping into H²0 Building Services preferential water rate discount scheme which is a unique offering within the water industry. By simply taking the time to provide the water billing information really does pay dividends.

At the very extreme end of the scale H²0 retail experts were requested to examine in detail charges levied by a water retail licenced provider supplying sites in Scotland for a Supermarket business, it has been concluded that H²0 could deliver savings above the existing supplier of nearly £ 560,000 over 3 years and that is just on the water and waste water supply side excluding further innovative measures that could be applied to reduce the costs down still further.

Senior Partner and Water Expert Graham Mann at H²O Building Services said “ Some 20% of our business is delivered via strategic partnerships in the gas and power consultancy market, these consultants provide energy cost reduction expertise and tap into our expertise in water. I have been in the industry for some 30 years, we are at the top of our game and customers naturally want and expect the best, therefore we have to work hard to retain our position through innovation by providing service products that are unique in the market.

The majority of our business is via Purchasing and Procurement which predominately is the space we operate in Purchasing and Procurement Managers and Directors are clearly focused on best value service deals and favour innovation.

Most businesses are unaware of the substantial savings and refunds achievable on water and waste water charges, perhaps they are a little wiser now”.
