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H2o Building Services Infographics | Call us on: 0845 658 0948
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About Us – Infographic – H2O Building Services
With unparalleled expertise in carrying out water audits, we specialise in saving businesses money on their water bills, by reducing water use, rectifying errors in billing, and resolving onsite issues which cause waste.
Reduce water costs – H2O Building Services – Infographic
Frustrated by the lack of clarity over how your water service charges break down? Keen to learn whether you might be due a refund for incorrect billing?
Surface Water Drainage – H20 Building Services – Infographic
Surface water is any rain or melt water runoff that collects around your property. To prevent it building up in pools which could lead to problems, various systems are used to drain it away, such as roof and street gutters.
Water Audits – H2O Building Services – Infographic
As the first step to saving you money from your water bill, H2O Building Services will carry out a water audit. An audit will compare your water use, including volumes, with what you are charged for.
Water Bill Validation – H20 Building Services – Infographic
Do you know precisely what your water supply company charges you for? Would you have any idea if they were billing you correctly based on your actual water use, or whether you were being overcharged?
Water Consultants – H2O Building Services – Infographic
H2O Building Services provides a single point of contact for all commercial water supply needs, from technical support to project management and installation.
Water Leak Detection – H2O Building Services – Infographic
So small they are barely even noticeable, or else hidden away underground, most water leaks occur out of sight and out of mind.
Water Management consultants – H20 Building Services – Infographic
Water scarcity day zero ‘closer than you think’
You may remember that back in 2018, Cape Town hit the headlines because of the water crisis it faces, with Day Zero – the day the region was expected to run out of water – expected to hit on April 12th.
Commercial water Recycling – Infographic – H20 Building Services
More than a billion people around the world now face the threat of being displaced by the year 2050 because of new ecological threats, conflict and civil unrest, with sub Saharan Africa, South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa facing the biggest number of dangerous environmental changes.
Water consumption analysis – H20 Building Services – Infographic
England at ‘serious risk of water scarcity’ in 20 years
The lack of progress on water leaks and repairs around England has been criticised by the public accounts committee, warning that there is a very real risk that parts of the country will run out of water within 20 years.
Water strategy – H20 Building Services – Infographic
Number of those exposed to water stress ‘could double by 2050’
The number of people facing water stress could double by the year 2050 if global warming isn’t kept below 2 degrees C above pre-industrial issues and if population growth in the future is high.
Water strategy – H20 Building Services – Infographic
Early warning system developed to predict water conflicts.
A global early warning tool has been developed by Dutch government-funded organisation Water, Peace and Security (WPS) that can be used to help predict possible water conflicts as water-related violence increases around the world.
Imagine A Day Without Water – H20 Building Services – Infographic
Imagine a day without water video highlights critical need.
Sustainable water development – H20 Building Services – Infographic
Sussex facing water shortages ‘inside 10 years’.
While you might not think that the UK would ever find itself in a situation where it runs out of water, given how much it rains across the length and breadth of the country, it seems that some regions are starting to see water stress and scarcity as an increasingly pressing issue.
Water Efficiency – H20 Building Services – Infographic
The possible solutions to reduce water risks & avoid conflict.
The risks and instances of political instability and conflict relating to water stress and scarcity appear to be increasing around the world, with the factors driving these problems seemingly intensifying, ranging from population growth and economic expansion to climate change, pollution, severe and prolonged drought, inefficient water use and so on.
Water Efficiency – H20 Building Services – Infographic
Changing weather patterns putting Scotland’s water supplies at risk.
New research has found that changing weather patterns in the UK are expected to make Scotland’s private water supplies more vulnerable to drought, seriously problematic when you consider that private supplies provide drinking water to four per cent of the country’s population and to many more through tourist facilities and businesses.
Water Efficiency – H20 Building Services – Infographic
The planet mark: how businesses can tackle climate change.
There can be no denying the climate emergency that faces the world as a whole and, if there’s one thing the coronavirus health crisis has made abundantly clear, it’s just how interconnected the planet actually is… and what happens globally when just one part of this delicately balanced system is damaged.
Water Efficiency – H20 Building Services – Infographic
Scotland facing increasing water scarcity, SEPA warns.
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has issued a warning that the north-east of Scotland and the Highlands are now facing an increasing water scarcity situation, with groundwater levels and rivers running extremely low in some regions.
Water Industry News – H20 Building Services – Infographic
Visit our site for more news articles and keep up to date with everything new in the world of water.
Water News – H20 Building Services – Infographic
Here is a selection of our news stories – visit our site for more news articles and keep up to date with everything new in the world of water.
Podcast with Graham Mann – Infographic – H2O Building Services
Senior partner Graham Mann will be featuring in our podcasts* together with various water industry guests invited to participate throughout the year. Here is a selection of these podcasts.
Water Self-Supply – Infographic – H2O Building Services
In recent years, the Scottish water market became deregulated, so business customers can switch water supplier in order to get a better deal on their water bills. Now the water industry in England is also deregulated, allowing businesses more choice in suppliers and better deals.
Switch Water Supplier – Infographic – H2O Building Services
Unhappy with the service you are getting from your current water supplier? Interested in finding out if you could save money by getting better rates elsewhere?
Public Sector – Infographic – H2O Building Services
With no sign that the squeeze on government spending will be relaxed any time soon, public sector finances will continue to be under the microscope.
Water Retailer – Infographic – H2O Building Services
Now that the English retail water market is open, which happened back in April 2017, businesses are billed by water retailers, instead of regional water companies (which are now known as wholesalers).
Water Flow Data Logging – Infographic – H2O Building Services
Cutting costs from your water supply is not a one-off event. To achieve maximum savings, you need to be able to sustain analysis and action over a period of time.
Alternative water sources – H20 Building Services – Infographic
5 Alternative Water Sources
How to Futureproof The Planet you may or may not already know that water stress and scarcity is fast becoming one of the biggest global threats to our way of life – even here in the UK, a country renowned for the amount of rainfall it sees each year.
Saving Water – Infographic – H2O Building Services
Saving water is not only a global issue which we all must tackle, but something that can result in significant monetary savings for your business. Are you paying too much for your water? Most companies are, often because of the amount of water that gets wasted, including from small water leaks, and because of overbilling by water companies.
Off grid water supply – Infographic – H2O Building Services
Before considering an off grid water supply lets first explain where your water comes from? Well we all take the water for granted without giving it a second thought, it’s human nature, turn on the tap and water flows, it’s a process we all take for granted. All water comes from rainfall but where water companies take it from varies as water is collected from above and below ground.
Open water market – Infographic – H2O Building Services
What Is The Open Water Market? Back in April 2017, the English water retail market opened up, bringing it in line with that of Scotland (which opened in 2008) – meaning that businesses of all shapes and sizes are now able to choose their own water supplier,
finding one that serves their individual needs more effectively, reducing their bills and enjoying better customer service, as a result.
Code of Conduct – Infographic – H2O Building Services
In addition and in keeping with our highest standards of ethics and professionalism we have decided to adopt Ofwat’s proposed
principles for a voluntary TPI code of conduct, those that are specifically relevant to H2oBuilding Services
Water Leak Repairs – Infographic – H2O Building Services
If we detect a water leak1 on your premises, we will advise you of the most cost effective, least intrusive way to carry out a full, lasting repair – not a patch up job which will only lead to more disruption and expense further down the line.
Water Footprint – Infographic – H2O Building Services
Have you ever heard the term ‘water footprint’ on your travels? You’re sure to hear it mentioned more and more as time goes on and the effects of climate change are felt around the world.
Trade Effluent – Infographic – H2O Building Services
Trade effluent is any liquid waste (effluent) other than surface water and domestic sewerage that is discharged from premises being used for a business, trade or industrial process.
Waste Water Management – Infographic – H2O Building Services
Businesses reviewing their processes and procedures where water usage is concerned should make sure they include wastewater management in their assessment, so they know they’re doing all they can where responsible use of water is concerned.
Water Stewardship – H2O Building Services – Infographic
Businesses are becoming more aware of their water consumption1 and usage and how this is having an effect not only on their bills but also on the environment, as well.