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Waste Water | Call us on: 0845 658 0948
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Wastewater also known as sewage or drainage water is removed through the sewers by water companies across the UK. What you might not be aware of is that this a costly thing to do which is why businesses are being charged large sums of money for the service.
Waste water originates from industrial and commercial businesses amongst other sources and is usually moved through the sewers to wastewater treatment plants, where it is run through numerous processes depending on the type and extent of the wastewater contamination.
At H2O we analyse your waste water bills and put in place water strategies to help reduce these costs. Our wastewater strategies include:
- Water leak detection and repair
- Flow logging
- Geologically surveys
- Effluent sampling
- Water recycling
- Bore hole, river and canal analysis
Each of these tasks give our experts at H2O the opportunity to save your business money on wastewater bills.
Top Tip
Save up the business none polluted waste water, such as tap water and rainwater and re-use it in agriculture and ground maintenance.
H2O have a strong partnership with Stormsaver who are one of the country’s leading provider of water storage equipment. Specialising in rainwater harvesting but with expertise in water storage strategies that when combine with the knowledge of our wastewater experts saves your business money.
Did you know?
Almost 90% of the world’s waste water remains untreated and therefore pollutes the world’s water supply which is making water a scarce resort. Not only are we leaving water untreated to contaminate other resources we are now using our water resources quicker than ever before and if this continues it is predicted that river flow will half over the summer months putting a real strain on businesses and individuals alike.
By using the services H2O has to offer your business can not only save water but can reduce its water bills by 20 – 30%.
For more information on how we can save your business money on water get in touch with our experts.