Case Study - CANNONS
Water Consultancy
Refund: £580,000
Water Cost Reduction at Cannons Health & Fitness Clubs Ltd
We were commissioned to reduce the water and sewage charges for Cannons Health & Fitness Clubs nationwide. Cannons have in excess of 60 health and fitness clubs nationally and are opening many more new clubs all over the country.
Water Consumption
The first step in our programme was to ensure all water and sewage bills arrived at H2O offices for the input of specific data, bill checking and validation and authorisation to pay. We targeted the high-user sites and trialled the installation of the unique Aeroflo Showers. The first stage was to attend the sites and measure the existing flow rate, which was measured at 18 litres per minute. We knew that on the existing pump set pressures that we could deliver 8 litres per minute of aerated water via the new shower head and they were promptly installed (see Figure 1, overleaf, for project summary & data).
Upon completion of the installation it was immediately apparent within a few days after taking meter readings that there was a substantial drop in water consumption and the target savings over the 12 months were exceeded. The annual savings achieved were £12,880 per annum, which comprised of £8,848 per annum in water charges and £4,032 per annum in energy cost.
In consideration of the savings achieved at Hull we rolled out installation of the showers to all clubs within the Cannons portfolio, achieving a saving in excess of £450,000 per annum, with the payback measured in only a few months.
In addition to the water conservation through showers, other areas of the sites costs were examined, from underground leakage in water mains to incorrect billing and historical overcharges. In consideration of the substantial savings made on behalf of Cannons, H2O has been retained to deal with all water related matters throughout the group of companies.
Total Savings Achieved (to-date): £580,000.