
A water leak due to poor quality water supply pipe installation will result in financial nightmares for businesses. Case study 4.1 million gallon water leak.

If your business or organisation is paying for water services based on volume from a water meter then an underground water leak is the very last situation you would want to happen.


Poor quality installations or new underground water supply pipes are becoming more frequent occurrences and with the average cost of metered water and waste water at £3.50 per cubic metre (220 gallons) or for us water industry geeks m3 a water leak can and will rack up a very substantial water bill.


In this case study the water bill validation team received the first water bill for a brand new site.  A series of water meter readings were taken over a few days indicating a constant water flow of 40 litres per minute.

This does not sound like a lot of water but over one year this equates to 21,024m3 (cubic metres) or 4.1 million gallons of water.


The water leak detection team from H2O Building Services attended site to locate the water leak and report back with a leakage investigation survey report Car Dealership Glasgow leak detection report which makes interesting reading.


H2O Building Services requested that the original water supply contractor returned to site to excavate and repair the water leak which was caused by an incorrectly installed fitting.
