What is a desktop water audit?
A desktop water audit is a report compiled by a water consultant, taking into consideration water and waste water bills and other data supplied by the client in order to give the client an idea of the potential water savings and refunds that could be achieved prior to an actual site survey.
Water audit consultants based on many years experience will often be able to determine savings for the client to a high degree of accuracy.
Sometimes described as a preliminary desktop water audit prior to an actual site visit to give the client a firm assurance that an investment in time and money will produce the savings and return an investment (ROI)
In this particular water audit example Desktop Water Audit Report the overall water consumption and waste water discharge appears much higher than expected according to the water bills supplied.
In this case further data was supplied via a water flow data logger which is a device fitted to the incoming water supply meter that collects the water consumption and flow data and sends the data over a GSM network to a PC and produces a visual flow profile over time.
The water audit consultant then analyses both pieces of key information.
In this instance the potential savings estimated at over £40,000 a year as there is a continual water flow rate of 1.8 cubic metres per hour, which equates to a staggering 15,760 cubic metres a year or 3,468,900 gallons!
According to available water billing data over the last 5 years over 17,344,800 gallons has been wasted at a cost of £180,000!
A site survey was completed indicating the water losses were entirely due to inefficient water fittings in the male and female washrooms.
The payback on investment was 3 months.
Have a desktop water audit done to see how much you could save.