
Large Water User? then switch water supplier to The Alternative Water Company Ltd.

The Alternative Water Company is a new water company with its base in West Yorkshire. The most unusual aspect of this new venture is that The Alternative Water Company have no water to supply to customers just yet.


With the English Water Retail market opening up to competition April 2017 and the Scottish Water Retail Market already well up and running you may think that formation of a new water company to cover Scotland, England and Wales would be entirely unexpected, particularly as the retail margins in the English Water Market are set to be so small as to be of very little interest to the existing water companies, let alone formation of a new one.


Well you would be wrong, with a new market brings new opportunities and exciting ones at that as we all need water at lower cost, especially businesses that use large volumes of water.

The new water company will be aiming its discounted water supply products directly to businesses nationwide, supplying water to residential customers is for the future but a part of a long term plan.

Businesses up and down the country will be attracted to any water company that can ultimately provide : –


* Water at the best price.


* Provide added value services such as water efficiency consultancy advice.


* Waste water consultancy, in fact expert advice on any water and waste water matter.


* Accurate timely water bills with no estimated reads.


* Dedicated account manager no matter what size business.


* Deliver discounts on water supplies of anything from 20% to 35%.


So why not switch water supplier to The Alternative Water Company Ltd so call 01924 387 874 or email


2_HighRes_TheAlternatifWater jpgFor more information email mailto:[email protected]

