
Bang on the money – Water audit reveals a £15,000 water company overcharge.

This Northern Sports Club will be delighted with this £15,000 water bill rebate cheque which was a water company overcharge.

The total overall projected savings as a result of a water audit were 45% of the existing water and waste water bills levied by Yorkshire Water.

The refund is in addition to the substantial overall potential water savings going forwards, when the water savings measures have been implemented the results will be measured by not only reduced water consumption on the water bills but also reduced continual water flow recorded on the water flow data logger fitted to the incoming water company revenue meter.


This device gave the water audit experts a visual picture of flow over time, enabling accurate measuring of performance prior to any water saving measures being implemented, then upon completion of all water saving device installations the results will be measured and reported back to the client.


In order to demonstrate and prove our performance visually, the visual water flow data is absolute key to maximising water management performance and control going forwards to ensure water savings made are maintained going forwards.


Water bill refund.

Water audit reveals a water company overcharge


