H2O Building Services go live on LinkedIn discussing water bill validation.
Water bill validation is a key part of any water and waste water cost reduction strategy.
In general a business needs accurate water bills but the reality is very different.
Water companies appear to struggle billing customers the correct charges and if these are not rectified at the point of sale by the water company its the customers that pick up the costs of water bill validation and putting right that which the water companies appear unable to do.
Whether it is a water billing software issue or zero quality control little is known as to the exact reason. All we know is that incorrect billing is one of the most common and irritating complaints by customers with little improvement over the years.
So are you aware precisely what your water and waste water supply charges should be?
How would you know if you were being overcharged or undercharged?
Commercial water, waste water and trade effluent bills can be complex as businesses use water in different ways and charges for waste can change month by month according to water volume in and waste discharged out to the public sewers.
Many charges are obscure, often making it difficult to ensure the water and waste water bills are correct to pay.
If customers are overcharged over a long period of time the over payment can result in substantial sums of money.
That is why businesses should have their water, waste water and trade effluent bills validated by water industry experts.
Water bill validation is therefore an important process, as such it is the topic of discussion on the next PodcastwithGrahamMann, Senior Partner of water consultants H2O Building Services.
Graham has two special guests that have expertise in bill validation, so this episode which will be broadcast live on the LinkedIn global professional network with over 500 million members commences on 19th December at 2pm GMT.
You can like, comment and ask questions before and during the broadcast.
A lively discussion featuring occasional comments on Grahams impressive shirt collection!
See you there – Questions in advance on this featured topic email [email protected] or other topics.