
Water UK Joins Race To Zero Campaign

Water Footprint - H2O Building Services


Industry trade body Water UK has just become one of the official partners of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s Race to Zero campaign, with Anglian Water and Severn Trent now confirmed as the first companies to join under the Water UK umbrella.


According to WWT Online, the aim of the campaign is to bring together businesses, investors, cities and regions to help drive a resilient zero carbon recovery, preventing future threats, creating jobs and unlocking inclusive, sustainable growth.


Water UK also recently launched the sector’s Net Zero 2030 Routemap, intended to give suppliers something on which to build their own action plans for achieving net zero.


It estimated that potential investments of between £2 and £4 billion will be required to tackle the emissions associated with the provision of clean water to more than 28 million homes and businesses.


Chief executive of Water UK Christine McGourty said: “The publication of the Net Zero 2030 Routemap was a major step forward for our sector so we’re incredibly proud to be taking this forward as the first industry trade body to join the Race to Zero campaign.


“Working in partnership with other businesses, government, and our regulators, we intend to deliver this plan decisively, openly and quickly, and look forward to sharing our experience with other infrastructure, utility and energy-intensive industries as we continue to tackle the threat of global climate change.”


Peter Simpson, chief executive of Anglian Water, made further comments, saying that there has never been a more critical need to work towards a green recovery from the pandemic.


The east of England is feeling the challenges of population growth and climate change “more keenly than anywhere else in the UK” and a collaborative approach is now necessary to reach the target of zero carbon by 2030.


Businesses of all shapes and sizes can help the country achieve its target by considering their own water footprint and seeing if there are any changes they can make to help reduce it.


Having a water audit carried out across your site can help you see what improvements can be made and where, revealing any hidden leaks you may have that could be wasting water (and money!).


As well as reducing your water consumption, an audit can also help you save money on future water bills – as well as enabling you to seek potential refunds on past billing errors.


You will find out all about the different options available to you to help save water, ranging from rainwater and greywater recycling to automated meter reading. There is a lot you can do to reduce your reliance on mains water supplies, so if you’d like to find out more, get in touch with H2o Building Services today.
