
Water audit reveals – do nothing and the water leaks will cost the client £88,000 this year.

A water audit revealed a steady increase in water consumption via the H20 Building Services water flow reporting system.

The water flow data was downloaded to produce the visual flow profiles, indicating a daily unaccounted water and waste water cost above normal spend of £243 per day.


Just over a year ago we completed extensive water leak detection over the entire Leisure Park network and identified one large leak and several others delivering a saving of £65,000 per year. At that time this was 50% of the annual water and waste water costs for this Leisure Park.


Since then H20 implemented installation of sub-meters and isolation valves so the park could be split up into manageable zones and with the installation of on-line water flow monitoring system as soon as the water consumption increased above acceptable levels a water audit report was generated and remedial action taken.


It is interesting to note, the water company were asked to carry out urgent water leak detection across the site and reported that there were no leaks or water losses across the water network. The results speak for themselves.


To view the quality water leak detection report click the link here – LeisureParkLeakDetectionSiteSurveyReport20June2016 (2)
